PATHS2INCLUDE partners met in Hannover


The project partners met in Hannover on the 29th of May to discuss key areas of the project. The meeting was hosted by the University of Hannover and its team led by Dr Christian Imdorf.

The day started with a presentation by Dr Iuliana Precupetu from the University of Bucharest. Her work in PATHS2INCLUDE focuses on employment policies and institutional factors that may foster or hamper opportunities for older workers in vulnerable situations to achieve employment. The goal is to disentangle the relationship between individual characteristics and risk factors in a contextual perspective to gain more precise knowledge of when and how older workers exit the labour market. She presented a literature review on individual, mezo and macro level factors of late exit from the labour market.

We continued the day with group discussions on synergies with other Horizon Europe projects. We are exploring partnerships and collaborations. We also discussed the synergies between the different areas covered by PATHS2INCLUDE. Some are interlinked or complementary and researchers have been cooperating on various tasks. This discussion aimed at strengthening the collaboration and expanding it to other research areas.   

In the afternoon, we covered, in groups, topics such as actions for the dissemination and impact strategy as well as processes for data documentation. Some of the ideas that emerged, will be put in practice in the upcoming months.

Overall, this meeting allowed all partners to share updates about their respective areas of work, foster collaboration and think further about the dissemination of the project and it’s results.

We thank the University of Hannover for hosting the meeting and we thank Dr Christian Imdorf and its team for the great preparation and the warm welcome.

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