Project updates

The University of Girona held its first National Stakeholders Group meeting
On the 27th of February, the team from the University of Girona held the first online meeting with the Spanish National Stakeholder Group (NSG). The Spanish NSG is composed of: The national trade union UGT represented by Maxi Rica The Ministry of Equality and Feminism...

PATHS2INCLUDE partners met in Girona to discuss research progress
The 8 project partners of PATHS2INCLUDE gathered in Girona on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2023 for the second in-person consortium meeting. It was the occasion to exchange on the progress in different areas of the project, discuss important methodological...

Leibniz University Hannover held its first National Stakeholder Group meeting
On the 26th of September, the team from the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) organised a meeting with the German National Stakeholders Group (NSG), the first of a series of meetings aiming at sharing updates, collecting stakeholders’ feedback and creating synergies....

Online meeting with the International Advisory Group
On the 23rd of October, the Consortium held an online meeting with the International Advisory Group (IAG) composed of representatives from the following organisations: the European Labour Authority, Eurofound, the European Network Against Racism, the Social Platform,...

PATHS2INCLUDE: the 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo
On the 18th and 19th of April 2023, consortium members met in Oslo for the kick-off meeting of the PATHS2INCLUDE, a new Horizon Europe research project coordinated by Nova, the social science research institute of the Oslo Metropolitan University. The kick-off meeting...